Saturday, December 21, 2019

Noticing lxvi - Stephen O'Donnell, artist

Stephen O'Donnell is a Facebook friend of mine. I believe I "met" him through Lidia Yuknavitch. He seems like a kind, joyous, and generous soul, and I enjoy seeing him on FB.

But more than that, he is an amazing and prolific artist with a vivid imagination, working in acrylic on panel. As Portland, Oregon's Froelick Gallery describes him, "Stephen O'Donnell paints gender-defying self-portraits in which he is adorned in the dress and hairstyle of past centuries. He also paints finely detailed images of animals and birds." If I had some extra cash, I would happily invest in one or two of his works (I am especially drawn to the birds and animals). He has an interesting blog too—Gods and Foolish Grandeur: Life and the Arts . . . from a Retrograde Perspective.

Here are a few of his pieces:

A Boy and His Dog (2017)
Imminent Encounter (2016)
Le Monocle (2012)
Les Deux (2009)
Les Perruches (2012)
Venus Cosmeticus (2015)
Pan (2015)
Berries (2016)
Plunder (2017)
Deceive (2019)
Savor (2017)
Lady (2017)
Twist (2017)
Found (2015)

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