Sunday, December 8, 2019

Noticing liii - Périgord

I just posted a book report about a story set in what is perhaps my favorite region of France (that I've visited, at least), Périgord. That prompted me to revisit the photos I took there this summer: of the city of Périgueux and the countryside of the Vézère Valley, where policier Bruno's fictional town of St-Denis is located. Here are a few of them (mostly SOOC), for your enjoyment.

Main cathedral square of Périgueux: it was a summertime
food festival, and the town was gaily decorated

The plainer streets are very lovely too.
Cèpes! (I did not sample, alas . . .)
Built in 1669, the Périgueux cathedral is a splendid example
of Romanesque architecture

The town of St-Cyprien, with its 12th-century
abbey and bell tower

Les Eyzies, gateway to Lascaux
Brand-new Lascaux IV with its excellent interpretive center

There was a geocache up here, overlooking the Vézère Valley:
so glad I took a little detour to find it!

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