Sunday, December 22, 2019

Noticing lxvii - December 22nds past

Ha ha, it's always easy to go back into Flickr and troll old posts. Here are the December 22nds from years past of my Project 365s. One of them happened to be the last day of one such project.

Took a nice long walk from our [Joshua Tree] cabin down an arroyo
to an equestrian trail that took us into the national park.
We had a map, but our GPS came in most handy,
since we could see not only the trails we wanted but also
our moving location. Fortunately too, the equestrian trails
remained obvious, well trodden into the desert sand.
A wonderful several hours.
 It was a terrifically low tide today, so for the first time
since we've lived here we ventured underneath Fisherman's Wharf.
I love exploring this sort of environment. All the life, just waiting
to be revived by the rush of water. The idea of people walking around
overhead. The wear and tear on the structure.
The fact that drowning is for the moment not an option.
Ventured downtown again, this time for a movie (Fair Game).
I enjoy some of the facades downtown, including the old State Theater—
which still shows movies on occasion, is a concert venue, and on Sundays,
apparently, serves as a church. Multi-use! And well loved in the community.
THE END. 12/22/13. This is a bit of a cheat, because
I didn't TAKE this photo today. But I did MAKE it....
And today: a walk around the Frog Pond.

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