Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Noticing lxii - impeachment rally

We joined several hundred other patriots this afternoon to wave signs calling for impeachment at passing motorists, many, many of whom honked and thumbs-upped their approval. Our state senator, Bill Monning, spoke, exhorting us to get out and vote next November. He even exhorted those of us in a position to do so to temporarily move to swing states, establish residency—thirty days is all that's required—and vote there. He suggested that the Republican Party will be employing this tactic—which is pretty scary. He also commented that Trump has a $100 million war chest, and by November will have doubled that—whereas the Democratic candidate, whoever that ends up being, will be starting from scratch come March or April or whenever they clinch the candidacy. That, too, is scary.

But for now, it is looking certain that tomorrow, Trump will be impeached. And that is the good news in this bleak time.

Here are a few photos I took.

David and Nina

Indivisible leader Gary Karnes addressing the crowd

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