Sunday, December 15, 2019

Noticing lx - December 15ths past

My Flickr Project 365 posts from December 15 in 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2013 (with their attendant captions). The first two involved birthday roses. The last one was a countdown to the end of my fourth 365 project. And that was that: I haven't looked back—and indeed, rarely post on Flickr anymore. Instead, I started doing 365s in a blog! So yeah. I'm just crazy.

These were my birthday roses. Almost two weeks old and fading.
But still beautiful, especially this morning
in the soft light of a drizzly day.
The roses we bought on my birthday are getting to that
beautiful stage of being almost, but not quite, finished.
We're getting our first good rain in a while—
sorely needed, very much appreciated. With it is coming
rare thunder and lightning. Today while working
I turned every so often to appreciate the soft light
on my mohair blanket draped over the futon,
and the rich greens of the oaks. So happy to have my studio,
my refuge.
I managed to get a few sevens today, but this "found" one
pleases me most--just a scrap of tape or cloth artfully arranged
on the sand. We went out to a local state beach today
with some friends to hunt for sand dollars—and meanwhile,
I found a gazillion (okay, maybe only 38—but I left a LOT behind!)
perfect little crab carapaces. There must have been a molting orgy
going on here recently.
And today, 12/15/19: the tradition of being gifted with roses
for my birthday continues. I believe this bouquet
is about ready for the yard waste bin, alas.
They sure were pretty while they lasted.

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