Sunday, January 10, 2016

365 True Things: 287/Stuff

In a couple of weeks, I'm heading on a road trip to visit a wildlife refuge in New Mexico, Bosque del Apache. Part of my goal is to take photos of the sandhill cranes and other birds that gather there by the thousands at this time of year.

I have not been taking serious photos for quite some time now. Usually, I just pull my iPhone out of my back pocket. Like, today: here's where we went for a walk ☞ It's one of my favorite places, especially when the creek is flowing. Milo was so happy to go for a dip (or two or three).

But I need to prepare for my trip, in various ways—especially the photographic. Which means finding stuff. Finding my batteries and charger; finding all my lenses; finding my memory cards. I'd like to say I would find my good tripod head, but I'm not hopeful about that. I've looked in all the likely places. It seems to have vanished.

This is actually a swell opportunity to brave the garage and go through stuff. Because the tripod head must be in there. Somewhere.

I also want to donate my trusty old 4Runner to the Polly Klaas Foundation, and they ask if I have the pink slip. I do! Also, somewhere
. . . (I apparently don't have to have it to donate, but I expect it would be easier for them. And it truly is around here, in a folder full of "precious papers." Somewhere!)

The corollary of finding stuff, of course, is culling stuff. I think it's time.

Bookcase catch-all of "precious things" from before the remodel.
I probably still have most of that stuff (maybe not the bottle)
in a box in the aforementioned garage. What will I be able to
toss, what will I "need" to tuck back into the box, just because?
It should be interesting. And it's definitely time.

The "truth" here being that I'm only quasi-organized. At best. I give myself a 40 percent rating. Which at the moment feels generous. And I have too much stuff. I also have too many interests, which contributes to too much stuff.

But for the next couple of weeks, until I take off? I'm going to perch finding stuff, organizing stuff, and especially culling stuff at the top of my to-do list. Think I can do a little bit of that every day? Let's find out!


cynthia newberry martin said...

Beautiful photo--"getting rid of" is my plan for 2016! Good luck with your garage.

SMACK said...

im very behind - how did your photography go ?