Tuesday, January 5, 2016

365 True Things: 282/Medicine Cards

I thought I'd already posted about my silly love for fortune-telling devices: Tarot cards (I have two sets, the Alastair Crowley woowoo one and the traditional Rider-Waite), I Ching (I use pennies), runes—and recently I got a deck of Medicine Cards ("The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals").

It's not that I believe in these oracles. But I do find the random offerings interesting—good food for thought, if nothing else. Kinda like horoscopes (Rob Breszny's "Free Will Astrology," for example, where you can read any of the signs and get a clue on how to approach life a little better, or at least a little more creatively).

A friend of mine starts the new year spending time with several decks of cards. This year, she said, she's been getting eerily similar readings from each of them.

I decided to give my new deck a try, and this is what I got (a few of them were upside down, which has its own meaning):

And my simplistic interpretation: I need some change in my life—a little housecleaning, a little letting go of negative people, of limiting thoughts. I've got fire energy: I need to start using it more, tapping into the flow of love from the Great Spirit to me, from me to others, from others back to me—the universal now. I should refuse to surrender personal authority to avoidance mechanisms, to the fear of "what if." Rather, I need to use my wings and fly!

I am especially glad to have Snake (that good old fire energy) on my side, helping me with the "dream within the dream."


Kim said...

Love me some fire energy!

SMACK said...

someday you will read my cards!