Saturday, April 4, 2020

Covid-19: Where Am I?

Today on Facebook I only posted three photos for people to guess the location of (see yesterday's entry). Here they are, for a quick-and-dirty post for the day (click on the image to see it large on black).

Point Arena Lighthouse, Mendocino County
This one was specifically for my friend Francesca who's been
googling the answers (indeed, she was the one to guess the
lighthouse, after mentioning that "lighthouses are hard" to
google). I first met her on a trail in the Ventana Wilderness:
my friend Lynn and I were on our butts trying to push a sawn
tree out of the trail, when who should come marching along but
Francesca. She immediately—did we even ask?—
got down on her butt too and gave us an extra pair of legs,
and all together we accomplished the task handily.
It turned out she is good friends with another member
of our Ventana Wilderness Alliance, Betsy McGowan.
Francesca lives in the Bay Area, so I don't see her much
if at all. But she's always a cheerful presence on FB.
Anyway, I figured she'd recognize this wilderness toilet
as being from the Ventana, without having to google. (Truly,
I would rather expect that googling this image would
be impossible, but Francesca has been surprising me
on that front!) Specifically, I told her, this is one of the two
wilderness toilets at Terrace Creek Camp on the Pine Ridge
Trail, Big Sur. We were in the process of replacing it.

Very Large Array, New Mexico

I also posted these photos, as comments on the lighthouse and the toilet pictures:

Pigeon Point Lighthouse, San Mateo County—in response
to someone who incorrectly guessed that the above
lighthouse was this one
The Ventana Wilderness from Timber Top—to give
Francesca a somewhat lovelier image for that place we all
hold so dear

And today's Covid-19 count for Monterey County: 62 cases, deaths still holding steady at 2.

Stay inside. Stay safe. Stay healthy.

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