Friday, April 10, 2020

Covid-19: Immunity

Today I'm trying to better understand how immunity works—again through the entertaining medium of YouTube. The first source I found on googling is excellent (and fairly advanced), but it's all through Vimeo or slide shows, so I can only share the link here. Nonetheless, it's well worth viewing: Harvard Medical School's "How the Body Reacts to Viruses."

But back to YouTube. Here's a nice video that explores the history of the discovery of immunity and of the power of vaccination:

Here's an animation from TED, a source I trust, from a couple of years ago: "How Does Your Immune System Work?"

Here's an animation on the same topic from Kurzgesagt ("In a Nutshell"), a source I know nothing about, but the video is humorous! And educational. It's about bacterial infection, but infection is infection.

Handwritten Videos (similarly unvetted) tackles the immune system as well—by Sharpie:

Well, that's good for starters. I'll be studying up. One thing I've learned in doing this research is that I'm fortunate (and glad) to have so many millions of soldiers in my own personal army of protectors. They work hard.

P.S. Kurzgesagt put together (their fastest ever) a video on the coronavirus specifically; it was posted on March 19 and quickly became the most viewed Kurzgesagt video ever, with 21 million views as of five days ago. People do want to understand what's going on. That's good.

Though that said, today a FB friend of mine, who I rather thought was informed and reflective, posted a comment: "Just a side thought... There have been WAY more deaths this year from Influenza in the USA than from Covid-19." Fortunately, he got push-back—including from me, of course. This sort of ignorance is so rampant in this country. It's baffling. And it doesn't need stirring up.


Today's count for Monterey County: 71 confirmed cases (up 2 since yesterday); still 3 deaths.

Stay inside. Stay healthy. Stay sane.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I read today that patients thought cleared of COVID-19 had tested positive again. So, what does that mean about immunity?