Thursday, December 17, 2015

365 True Things: 263/Time

I'm not a big fan of Facebook memes, but occasionally one comes along that hits me just right. Today, it was this:

It reminds me of a conversation I had once with a professor. I said I'd take on a certain project if I had the time. He responded, "Of course you have the time. The question is how you choose to use your time."

Ever since then, one of my mantras has been, "All we've got is time." Though expanding it to "All we've got is life time" works too.

That said, how we do decide or choose to use our time is tricky. I've certainly mulled out loud about my schedule plenty enough right here in these pages, and I still haven't figured it out, probably never will. But lately, I feel like I've achieved a better balance of work time and free time (or maybe better, me time), with much less wasted time. And that feels good.

1 comment:

SMACK said...

good for you...i waste way to much time - in the past i would easily say its because of x .. y .. or z...i struggle with it still..i could go on.. just made me reflect a bit - so thank you!