Friday, August 23, 2024

Interlude 3: Kamala Harris and the DNC finale

Just one today, because I missed it last night and I want to keep it here for posterity—fingers so very crossed that rationality and love of country will prevail. I will be writing letters to potential voters urging them to vote and donating $$$ to key campaigns—that's what I can do from here. And, I suppose, doing my own version of praying. Anyway, here's Kamala's acceptance speech:

And now I'm done lying about being done with political speeches—and will be returning to regular programming. But it feels good to feel somewhat heartened about the upcoming election. Though I will forever remain baffled by the fact that half this country can support, never mind trust, someone as odious—selfish, mean, and petty—as Trump (and his henchmen).

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