Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Interlude 2: Oprah and Pete at the DNC

I never watch political conventions. But this year? I am so enjoying the outpouring of joy and hope at this year's Democratic nominating convention, and the possibility that decency may prevail in November. And so I'll just post a couple more videos of speeches that I found impressive, from this evening, the third night of the convention. All of these people are zeroing in on different aspects of our national identity—because each of these people has their own personal experience of what it means to be an American. And I suppose I don't need to mention that it hasn't always been positive. (Black, gay, what can I say?)

First, a surprise speaker, Oprah Winfrey:

And Pete Buttigieg, secretary of transportation (though he never gets called that lately—he's just the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana):

And now I'm done with the political speeches. But honestly, and the reason I posted these here: I really do think I will draw inspiration and courage from watching some of these heartfelt and well-articulated speeches again. (And I've missed a bunch, but I promise there won't be a part 3.)

PS, I enjoyed Tim Walz's speech too, especially his "pep talk" at the end. But we'll be hearing more of the same in the next few weeks, I'm sure.

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