Tuesday, May 12, 2015

365 True Things: 45/Schedule

Being someone of many and diverse interests, I often feel all over the place—not overwhelmed so much as scattered thin.

Not long ago I came across a schedule purportedly used by Ben Franklin himself. It has become my favorite go-to comfort giver. It is so very simple, although Franklin's interests and responsibilities were without doubt far more numerous and diverse than mine.

It reminds me, if nothing else, to slow down and ponder how best to use my time. The morning question, What good shall I do this day? for me might be simply, Does anything need to get done today? What else would I enjoy doing?

I wonder if Franklin had a much messier To Do list as well. Or, as I keep meaning to make, a Master list—a running inventory of all those activities I never quite get around to because . . . I forget. Activities that could qualify as "Work."

Maybe I'll go do that now. Then do something on the list. Fortunately, "the blog" can be safely checked off for today.

1 comment:

Eager Pencils said...

Ben had 4 hours sleep a night. I need more sleep than that. "The morning question, What good shall I do this day? for me might be simply, Does anything need to get done today? What else would I enjoy doing?" this was priceless.