Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Ralph Goings, artist (81)

A friend posted this on FB the other day:

Looks like a retro photograph, no? In fact, it's a painting (watercolor, I believe), by Californian artist Ralph Goings (1928–2016), who became identified with the photorealism school of the 1960s and 70s. He grew up in a working-class family in Corning, in the Central Valley, and his subject matter reflected that background, focusing early on on pickup trucks in rural areas, and later on diners: interiors and still lifes. He adopted the practice of taking photos, then projecting the resulting 35mm slides onto his canvases; he painted in both oils and watercolor. Here are a few of his works, which were often very large, as much as 4 feet by 6 feet:

Paul's Corner Cushion, 1970

Dick's Union General, 1970

Black Ford, 1975

Tom's Diner, 1997

Amsterdam Diner, 1980

Still Life with Peppers, 1981

Still Life with Straws, 1978

Ketchup, 1989 (lithograph)

Cream Pie, 1987 (lithograph)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The diner stuff is beautiful! If I’d planned my life better, my kitchen would be full of diner and food art.