Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Noticing xli - Medicare

Today I had an appointment at the local Alliance on Aging to find out about signing up for Medicare (unbelievably, I turn 65 in another eight days). The woman I spoke with, Diana, insisted on "helping" me with the online enrollment—even though she didn't do anything but input the data I told her. I could have done it myself. But she apparently deals with lots of people who get flummoxed by initial questions asking about your credit history and past residences, apparently as a means of guaranteeing that you're who you say you are. Most of the questions deserved a "None of the above" response, so that part was easy—and seemed to satisfy the Social Security hamsters. (Plus, I am not easily flummoxed.)

Then came three "security" questions, which are evidently a new feature in the process: Diana was surprised by this hurdle. She was also super impressed that I actually knew (a) my mother's middle name, (b) the name of the hospital I was born in, and (c) the color of my first car.

It strikes me as very strange that knowing that information should be in any way impressive.

In any case, I am now signed up for Medicare Part A. Part B will come at a later date, since I am currently insured through David's work. Ditto Medigap and Part D (Rx prescriptions).

I'm quite glad I didn't actually sit down and try to wade through the 120-page booklet the Social Security Administration sent. Didn't need it! Not yet, anyway. In another few years, when David's ready to retire, we'll just return to the Alliance on Aging and get briefed on what to do next. 

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