Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Hodgepodge 101/365 - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (2/7)

Tonight, because I'm already overdue here (I almost forgot, oy!), two photos. Short and sweet. When he's groomed, we call him Little Lord Fauntlereoy. He is soft as silk.

Oh, but I should mention that I was kicking butt on a proofreading job today, when I got an email from the in-house editor saying the author had delivered his changes early, so . . . could I please send what I had, NOW?

It was right about then that my back developed a muscle spasm. Which I suffered with for, oh, eight hours.

Milo seemed to know. He came and sat with me, cast his sweet brown gaze upon me. I twitched, I turned, I writhed, I stretched, I moaned. Milo was always there.

A dose of Edna Valley Chardonnay and Nurse Jackie (season 4, 4 episodes) seems to have cured my problem. But mostly: those sweet brown eyes. What will I ever do without them?

(Okay, a third photo.)

I love that dog.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Dog eyes are miraculous. Wait: dogs are.