Saturday, November 5, 2016

Hodgepodge 7/365 - Book Arts

Pursuant to yesterday's post, I thought it would be a very good idea for me to collect some book arts blogs and websites, especially ones of a how-to variety, for future reference. Or their URLs at least. This will likely be an ongoing project, but here's a start:

Fuck Yeah, Book Arts! A blog for creative types interested in the (un)conventional world of Book Arts! Posts here will feature artist's books, illustration, book binding, typography, sketch-booking, scrap-booking, print-making, paper making, altered books, how to guides, zines, paper engineering and more! Feel free to submit your own work, thoughts around the subject, or even just inspiration new and old. [Sadly, the entries here are not dated, so I don't know how current this blog is.]

The Bonefolder: An E-Journal for the Bookbinder and Book Artist. [Although this e-journal is no longer extant, the link here does provide access to all fourteen issues that were published, between 2004 and 2012.]

A Reference Guide on Bookbinding Types. [Eight each, non-adhesive and adhesive techniques, with links to tutorials.]

Bookbinding: Forms and Techniques. [A Pinterest site, again with many tutorials listed.]

Billie's Craft Room: Bookbinding—Tutorials by Others.

My Handbound Books, a blog. 

Becca Making Faces (research and experiments in design, typography, and bookbinding), also a blog (Japanese stab binding a specialty).

And I'll just leave it at that for today. But if I run across any more that look especially useful, I'll slip them in.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh, I'm bookmarking this!