Friday, November 17, 2023

Curiosity 26: Climbing

I don't have anything today I'm especially curious about, so I'll just feature a few TED Talks, by climbers—because this evening I watched the documentary Race to the Summit, about the Swiss speed alpinists Ueli Steck and Dani Arnold. And it got me reminiscing about climbing, which I used to do, in a very desultory, and never especially skilled, way. But I enjoyed it. Oh yes, I enjoyed it.

But although I miss climbing, I'm not sure I understand these "professional" climbers. Especially when their "profession" leads to their death. As was the case with Ueli Steck, sadly. Time will tell where Dani Arnold ends up. Free solo climbers are crazy. Never mind the speed.

Anyway, here are a few TED talks, by climbers.

First, Alex Honnold, featured in the 2018 movie Free Solo.

Matthew Childs's 9 lessons from rock climbing.

Emily Harrington on being afraid.

Alison Levine on climbing Mt. Everest.

I still have a collection of (old) ropes, and a double set of climbing protection—chocks, cams, nuts, stoppers, hexes, not to mention a bunch of biners (carabiners, both lockers and non). I probably will never use them again. But so far, I'm keeping them for the pleasure of the memories.

And to finish off, here's a video on placing nuts. Because... nuts! Getting a good placement is so satisfying!

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