Friday, June 19, 2020

More anti-racism resources

I added a few references to my post from May 30, but they're buried there, so I'm going to pull them out and repost them, plus a few more, here. Because this is all so important. Plus, Juneteenth.

So, here: more resources, in no particular order—just as I've bumped into them. I'll keep emending this list until it's time to create a new one.
I didn't actually get much myself from the last-cited article, but other, younger friends of mine did—so I include it. Me, I am donating monthly to on-the-ground groups doing important, life-saving work: the ACLU Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Equal Justice Initiative. It may not be much, compared to protesting in the streets, but it's something, and it's important.

Here is Trevor Noah talking to ten Black authors we all should read:

And Trevor Noah interviewing ten Black people making history:


Current number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Monterey County is 1,156, up 35 since yesterday and up 291 since I last posted statistics on 6/12; hospitalizations stand at 98, up 3 since yesterday and up 17 since a week ago. Deaths, thankfully, remain steady at 12. But seriously, the numbers have really been rising this last week or two. Mostly in Salinas Valley still. But as things open up and flights and tourists return, that could change.

Stay safe. Stay engaged. Be kind and caring.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Thanks for this list and keeping it fresh.