Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Covid-19/BLM: Freethinker

B. heterophylla flowers
We took a drive up to Watsonville today to seek out some Australian plants to plant in our raised beds. Unfortunately, the banksias that I hoped to find were nonexistent, but I did find a sweet Boronia heterophylla. And then I moved over to the native section and found a couple of Mimulus (monkey-flowers), a Penstemon, and an Eriogonum (buckwheat). So we're set to plant tomorrow. Our water company would be so happy, except these are drought-tolerant plants! Yay!

On the way, we, as always, listened to the radio—meaning, NPR. It was All Things Considered, and one of the stories was about an Afro-Caribbean street artist who recently painted a portrait of George Floyd on the Berlin Wall. His name is Eme Freethinker. Here are some of his creations, starting with the one in question:

I really love graffiti art. Especially when there's a point.


Today's confirmed cases in the county are up 19, to 751; hospitalizations remain at 74, and deaths at 10.

Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay well.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Years ago, some artists started painting murals on decrepit buildings in Honolulu, turning them into masterpieces. Now, the movement's become an annual even with street artists invited from around the world. It's turned the place around. The work is amazing. The artists so talented.