Saturday, May 16, 2020

Covid-19: President Obama's commencement speeches

Two posts today, because I want to archive these speeches. But I didn't want to hide them in the last already-too-long post. I guess that's partly what I've started doing here: archiving interesting or funny or telling stories, videos, opinions, editorials, art . . . or virtual commencement speeches. Things that speak generally to what we're going through now. It's a strange world, but it's no less vibrant and engaged for all that. There's just less (a lot less) direct contact with other human beings. But that, too, will pass.

In any case, today President Obama—whom I adore more and more—gave two talks for graduating seniors. One was for high school students. It is on Twitter. And a transcript can be read here.

The other was for the graduates of HBCUs: historically black colleges & universities. It was a stirring talk, I thought. I hope all those thousands of grads from so many schools can see it as a blessing that they got to share the moment with Obama, because it wouldn't have happened, not for all of them (and all of us), without Covid-19. The transcript can be read here.

And yes, he did mention that this country currently lacks leadership: "Doing what feels good, what's convenient, what's easy, that's how little kids think. A lot of so-called grown-ups—including some with fancy titles and important jobs—still think that way, which is why things are so screwed up.” And he said that we are all relying on the young people to take up the task of moving our society forward in good, just, and equitable ways. "If the world's going to get better, it's going to be up to you." It's a big job. I look forward to seeing how they tackle it.

Here is Heather Cox Richardson's synopsis of his speeches today. I love them both.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I like how you're using your blog--as a repository of things you like and want to keep. Like President Obama.