Thursday, May 14, 2020

Covid-19: Operation Uplift

My friend Luis Alberto Urrea has been hosting Operation Uplift on Facebook for 54 days now.  He posts a photo, and maybe a theme—maybe suggested by one of his followers. And all sorts of images ensue. It's delightful, and connecting.

Today his invitation went like this: "Operation Uplift, Chapter 54. Here’s a small gathering of friends in 3D. Hugs, anyone? Friends? Even animal friends. Lovers. Places you’d hug? I am weary. But I want to roam. I want to put my arms around the world. I miss you all."

I thought about hugs, and connection, and also strife. I found a few photos of my own to add to his stream. Here they are:

My friend Nadene being blessed by a Concow Maidu elder,
during the search & rescue operation at Paradise, California,
after the Camp Fire of November 2018.
Getting a little help with the 60th-birthday candles,
from great-nephew Felix.
Golan Heights: our guide Avsha and his two girls
Sister and brother, having cast ashes into the sea

That's where I stopped searching my images on Flickr. I am gladdened to remember these times of connection, amid heartbreak. (Well, okay, the birthday pic is an anomaly. There are anomalies! Yay!)

I am gladdened by the stories people are telling. Here's another one, which a friend shared with me today: a Native American grocery story checker in Oregon. We need to hear these stories.

Oh, and just for fun, here's Jake Gyllenhaal singing "Across the Way":


Kim said...

I'm enjoying Luis' series, too. But, whoa, the stories behind your images. Each could be a story unto itself, I'm sure. And I look forward to reading the link you shared. I glanced at the first paragraph, and I really like the voice and tone.

CarolCot said...

Thanks for the link to the Native American grocery store worker Anne. A great read.