Tuesday, July 30, 2024

27 of 100: Albrecht Dürer, artist

Back in January 2020 I featured Albrecht Dürer as (surprise!) a watercolorist. Today I'm posting some other of his works—because I've been running across him in a job I'm working on, about drawing and printmaking: the catalogue for an exhibit coming soon to the Getty Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago. And it reminds me how thoroughly I enjoy his art, this man who lived from 1471 to 1528 and yet feels so contemporary. First, some self-portraits:

At age 26

A detail

At age 13

The earliest painted self-portrait, age 22

At age 28

A sick Dürer, age 40-ish

And some random other works (he was prolific and eclectic, in all sorts of mediums):

Praying Hands, c. 1508

Melencolia I, 1514

Rhinoceros, 1515

The Northern Hemisphere of 
the Celestial Globe, 1515

St. Jerome in His Study, 1521

St. Christopher, 1521

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 1498

Coat of arms, 1523

I could go on and on, but maybe I'll save more for another day when I feel like revisiting Herr Dürer. 


Anonymous said...

My mom found some etchings of his in a thrift store. We figured they were reproductions.

Susan Rochester said...

His Rhino and the Large Turf are two of my all time favorites. I got to see Turf in person a few years ago. I audibly gasped at first sight. It is remarkable.