Monday, July 22, 2024

20 of 100: Babar voyageur

Recently I've been worried: I couldn't find Babar anywhere. Yes, Babar the elephant—who in this case is about three inches high, so easy enough to overlook. I have written about Babar before: back in 2015, and then several times in early 2020 when we visited Chile and Antarctica:

We visited Madagascar together, where we both developed a fondness for pachypodiums ("We match!" he says):

We explored Ecuador and the Galápagos, where he hung out with a couple of buddies:

Traveled by canal boat through England:

We watch movies together on airplanes that we'd never watch at home:

We go camping together:

Here he is with a few of his friends, and some of his favorite reading material:

And here he is checking out my sister-in-law's homeplace in Norway (he especially enjoyed standing on the reindeer antler):

So yes, the other day when I realized that I hadn't seen Babar in a while—and didn't we just hike across England together? why didn't I remember liberating him from my suitcase?—I was, naturally, perturbed. But... I couldn't find him anywhere.

Could he be replaced? Well, yes. I found him offered, many times over and complete with camera, in "vintage" condition on eBay for anywhere from $5 to $15. These posts date him to 1990-ish—which sounds about right: having a few extra euros to dispense with, I picked mine up in Charles de Gaulle airport on one or another layover. So okay, I knew I could replace him, if it came to that. But... would he be the same? No! My Babar has so much travel in his blood (er, plastic). We journey on the same passport! We have shared memories!

So this morning I thought I'd look for him again. Because honestly, I didn't remember him coming to England with me: hadn't he grumbled that his legs were too short for such a long walk? But he did accompany me to my writing residency in southern California in March. And as fate would have it, I still haven't unpacked the boxes of books I took along with me then. Maybe...

And lo! There he was! Happily reading poetry! I don't think he even missed me.

I have now installed him on the shelf near my easy chair—where I can keep an eye on him, and where he can chat with his newest pal, Mr. Buddha. I am glad to have him back. Now, maybe it's time to plan another trip together. For old times' sake.

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