Saturday, March 2, 2024

Curiosity 94: Best boy Dipper

I was really glad to see that Jon Stewart was returning to the Daily Show. And I haven't been disappointed. I know his first episode, on Joe Biden, was controversial, but honestly? If we aren't aware of the potential disabilities of our leaders (think, for example, Reagan, in full-blown Alzheimer's), where do we really stand? 

In the case of a somewhat demented Biden (which, personally, I'm skeptical of) and a flat-out crazy Trump (of that, I'm absolutely certain)... well, it might be the slate we're stuck with. And I sure as hell know how I'm going to vote. Good God, is there really any choice at all? (Don't get me started.)

I hope to that same God (okay, you got me started) that the journalists of this country, including ones like Stewart, stop going on about Biden's age and start focusing on how profoundly destructive the alternative will be for the United States. As a friend commented re the endless (and meaningless) polls, "Don't tell us what the odds are; tell us what's at stake." Biden is surrounded by smart, able people; his opponent is surrounded by power-hungry, twisted sycophants. I repeat: is there really a choice?

Anyway, that's not why I came here. I came here because in the third installment of Jon Stewart helming the Daily Show, he ended with these amazing few minutes of love. Which I just want to keep here, because I know that not too long from now—up to a year maybe, with luck two—I'll be shedding the same tears. And I really appreciated that Jon broke up in front of millions, because of his love for his best boy, Dipper.

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