Saturday, February 4, 2023

Joshua Tree (90)

I missed yesterday, so today will be a twofer. I missed yesterday because I spent much of the day driving—seven hours to Joshua Tree, heading ever more eastward (which always surprises me), via Bakersfield, Tehachapi, and Barstow. 

Joshua Tree because one of my best friends, Kathi, is out visiting from Massachusetts, and collectively her family owns several places in JT. So twelve of us are convening out here: one of Kathi's brothers, a couple of nephews, a cousin, spouses, and two of Kathi's oldest friends from high school. (I met Kathi just after college.) Most of us are staying at her cousin Vandy's house—party central. Right now, 10 a.m., the Beatles are playing and scrambled eggs are being cooked. Soon we'll head to the farmers market to buy provisions for the evening meal. There will be at least one hike. And plenty of conversation, catching up, and, no doubt, music making (several of those gathered are musicians).

This morning I wandered around in the desert near the house, and I made this collage. So: installment #1. We'll see what I spot for #2. Something is sure to catch my eye. (Click to see larger.)

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