Friday, September 10, 2021

Hedgehog aryballoi

Facebook is good at reminding me about last year, two years ago . . . twelve years ago. (I've been on FB twelve years? That's crazy.) The other day, it reminded me that for a brief moment in time, I was obsessed with hedgehog aryballoi. 

An aryballos is, basically, an ancient Greek perfume or oil container. They apparently were often used by athletes during bathing. Don't ask me how. We're talking two thousand, not two or even twelve, years ago. Times have changed.

Anyway, apparently also, hedgehogs were a favorite motif for these little aromatic-liquid containers. I didn't even know they had hedgehogs in Greece. I'm glad to know they do. (According to a travel guide for Crete, "hedgehogs are considered sacred animals by the Greek Church because of the characteristic manner of mating, reminiscent of humans." So there's that.)  

Here are a few examples of hedgehog aryballoi (click to see large):

And in case you need to be reminded of just how adorable actual hedgehogs are:

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