Wednesday, January 8, 2025

86 of 100: Afternoon walks, part 2

And to continue with...

January 1, a walk along a short coastal bike path—our reason for being in the neighborhood being a geocache, but the views from the path of Monterey Bay are among the best.

Looking north toward Moss Landing

Natural sand sculpture along the path

Unnatural sand mover

The cache (the big duck)

On January 2 our walk took us behind a local business park, into a pine woods. We rarely encounter anyone there. But this day we encountered plenty of mushrooms, and we came home with a bounty that David transformed into dinner: blewits (Lepista nuda) on pork chops, with a side of braised chard. Yum!

Here he is with our catch. Note the
delicate lavender of the gills.

The lavender doesn't show up, but I love the
fragile gills.

There was also moss and lichen

The woods in question

Not only mushrooms: also toyon berries

Nascent honey mushrooms

Amanita muscaria without its spots

Suillus sp. (aka slippery jack)

And a couple of LBJs (little brown jobs)


 January 4 took us up to Jacks Peak County Park, via a back way that we enjoy; it's a climb, and it affords excellent views.


Part of the path is through chaparral

Looking down on Monterey Harbor

It was a gorgeous sunset.

Continued on #87.

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