Sunday, June 9, 2024

A few photos from June 9ths past

As I do, simply to keep this blog from becoming moribund, I offer some photos from June 9ths past, as archived on Flickr. I may be working my way up to another round of something or other more steady here, but for now: pretty pictures work. 

I stopped posting to Flickr regularly about ten, twelve, or more years ago, so this is a trip to the way-way back. The most recent of these four is from 2011. I wonder how many June 9ths are hiding in my otherwise totally uncatalogued and who-knows-where photo "archives," um, elsewhere. Flickr really is a great archival spot. I should start using it again. (If I had a dollar for every "I should" I've uttered, I'd be a billionaire.)

Anyway, here are four random photos. I still like them.

2008: Berry blossom.
"This afternoon I spent a little time in the woods looking
closely at things. This flower is beautiful in its imperfection."

2009: Tranquillity.
I quoted Mary Oliver's poem "Wild Geese" as the Flickr caption.

2007: In Leavenworth, Washington, on a rock climbing trip.
Those were the days...

2011: "We had intended to get over three mountain passes
(Sonora, Monitor, and Ebbetts) today, but at 6 p.m. we were still
on Highway 395 heading north. So when Walker appeared with
several motels and 'famous BBQ,' we decided to stop.
Very glad we did. We met several delightful people
(Chris, our motel proprietor; Jeff Hinds, the man behind the BBQ;
and Doug, a traveler in a camper with his bright red Mini Cooper
towed behind, and Katie, his sweet pup-pup) and had
a delicious meal amid the high-desert sagebrush.
And got to rest up for the next day's push back to Monterey."
I no longer recall just what this trip was, or with whom.
But apparently I had a good time!

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