Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 resolutions (so to speak)

Resolutions not in the sense of "being a better person" (I've learned that that's not likely to happen). But maybe in the sense of a year-long, home-grown bucket list? In which I can, conceivably, cross off all (ha ha, okay, some?) of the entries that I've achieved? Most of which will be, at least as far as the list is concerned, one-offs? 

The question is, how many enries? I tend to do these lists according to years lived, but surely there should be backward motion at some point. No? Well, okay, I can see if I can come up with a 67-entry list. I can always think small. 

This is, admittedly, a very personal list, but I figure that if I put it here, where it's public, I might actually pay attention and cross things off. I dunno. Let's find out! And maybe along the way I'll "accomplish" other things that should've been on this list, and I can blog about them. Who knows? (Entries that are recurrent are highlighted, for my own wayfinding.)

1. Go hear live music
2. Bake a fresh cherry pie
3. Read 12 books that are over 400 pages long
4. Clean out the garage*
5. Get our NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal) and bank account set up in/for Portugal
6. Write and send the 100 Lost Spells postcards
7. Catalog (and get rid of?) the CDs
8. Go to the DeYoung Museum once in 2022
9. A road trip—to anywhere—tent camping
10. Two visits to Miller Canyon
11. Early August: Ontario family reunion
12. A Portuguese lesson a day for a month
13. Go to Yosemite
14. Cook up B–F of my national dishes project (A having been Aruba)
15. See an Ecuadorian hummingbird (this is, I hope, a sure thing, but just to keep it in mind)

16. Get curtains for the living room
17. Bake a loaf of sourdough bread
18. Make crêpes (savory, preferably)
19. Complete my eight-day VWR commitment

20. Make a set of artist books with the maps Beth gave me
21. Use Paint Chip Poetry
22. Write and submit an essay or story or poem for publication
23. Average of 60,000 steps a week (make-ups allowed)
24. See Rasa
25. See Rose and Andy
26. See Dorian and Michelle
27. See Tom and Michele
28. See Jim
29. Go to LACMA
30. Review VISA bill and cancel recurring charges that no longer apply
31. Clean out email inbox (on all devices—a herculean task, but whatever: absolutely needs to be done)
32. Donate books to Marina bookstore once a month (months when we're not in-country excused)
33. Do a half-marathon (walk, ride, bike even: 13 miles)
34. Stash another cache [Molly Malone at Asilomar, 1/4; Altura TB Condominium 1/21]
35. Sign up for—and follow—another Ellen Bass poetry session (#1 revision?)
36. Clean the closet—get rid of clothes*
37. Get eyes checked and get glasses
38. Read a book in German
39. I want to say, Go hear Yo-Yo Ma, but we'll need to stay tuned on that one

40. Make five savory pastries from around the world
41. Do three Adventure Labs
42. Have coffee and a pastry at the Big Sur Bakery
43. Visit the Monterey art museum
44. Get dessert at Montrio
45. Dedicate one month to writing a poem (a haiku will do) a day
46. Spend a night at Green Gulch
47. Find a geocache in Ecuador

48. Find a geocache in Portugal

49. Visit the Château de Montaigne, near St-Émilion

50. Use the panini grill
51. Dye hair red, or perhaps aqua, or green, or just splashes of color (this is a big fat dare)
52. Ride my bike sometime in January (target: first week, but I'm allowing wiggle room)
53. Visit Volcano and Christine
54. Read 6 classics? (I do not generally like classics, but surely there are six out there that I might enjoy, or at least feel edified having read? War and Peace would be one, and it also counts as a big book [see #3]; The Great Gatsby; Les Misérables; something by George Eliot, whom I keep seeing being referred to as exceptional; I'd enjoy reading Dracula again; The Count of Monte Cristo; pretty sure Lafcadio Hearn's Japanese Ghost Stories, published in 1904, counts . . . there)
55. Curate Antarctica photos
56. Curate Israel photos
57. Curate England/France photos
58. Curate Italy photos
59. Get all cameras functional
60. Get rid of motorcycle
61. Get rid of photo printer (or get it overhauled and use it)
62. Hang the Killions
63. Meditate every day for a month
64. Finish Stiens historie
65. Backpack locally, with Milo
66. Farmers market once a month
67. Make blueberry scones

* Ha ha ha! But at least I can get in there once in a while—every week?—and make a dent. We have the idea of moving to Portugal, so really clearing out all our stuff is a serious goal.

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