Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Luis Alberto Urrea continues his Operation Uplift photo challenge. Tonight's was "paths." Oh, I've got paths—and trails—galore. Here are a few that I posted:

Trail to Lost Palms Oasis, Joshua Tree NP

Ah, but the "end of the trail" didn't mean
we were done: another half-mile, and we were
standing at the top of that hill out there,
and looking out over the windward side
of Oahu. Wow! (The trail got rather dicy.
We were very happy for a couple of fixed ropes.)

Mt. Washington, New Hampshire

Denali, Alaska

South Kaibab Trail, Grand Canyon, Arizona

Rondane National Park, Norway

Kilauea Iki, Hawaii

Somewhere in California (Mendocino Co.?)

Pacific Grove, California

Big Sur, California


Today's Covid-19 stats: 12,366 cases, 722 hospitalizations, 101 deaths (vs. 11,906, 688, 97 five days ago). 

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