Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Noticing xiv - ten years ago today (Flickr)

Because I used to post fairly regularly on Flickr (until Facebook came along), I have 11,000—11,042 to be exact—photos there to choose from, for when I'm at a total loss on what to post here. Which is hitting me today: I'm completely uninspired. Empty. Blank.

So I went to Flickr and searched for "October 30," and got three hits: a manhole cover, my feet up in ladybug socks, and this from 2009, with the caption "October 30: Did a couple of climbs on the Apron [behind Yosemite Village], then knocked off for a beer and a sit in the sunny meadow. I like to buy pint glasses at my favorite places, so we got two: one of Yosemite Falls, one of Half Dome. I enjoyed the serendipity of being able to hold the falls in my hand while looking at it from across the valley."

I figure I won't be learning something new every day (at least that I want to stop long enough to process and relate), so I'd better have some backup plans. My Flickr archive is a good place to start—it's full of memories.

David on "The Grack"
That said, two things I'm "noticing" with this post: (1) It's been way too long since I've been to Yosemite—the last time may have been in 2012, when I did swiftwater training in the Merced River; and (2) I do miss rock climbing—something it's entirely conceivable I will never do again . . . But who knows? Anything's possible—right? In any case, I will certainly get back to Yosemite, and now that I've realized how long it's been, I trust it's soon. I have the power to make it happen. That's something I need to keep in mind. In all manner of realms.

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