Friday, August 14, 2015

365 True Things: 138/Hair

I got my hair cut today. I'd sort of been growing it out, but today I let my hairdresser, Charlene, do whatever she wanted. And she got a gleeful look on her face and said, "Let's go short!" So short we went.

When I was a kid, I had shoulder-length (at most) hair and bangs, courtesy of my father, the resident barber.

In high school and college, I let it grow long.

When David and I went on our honeymoon in Japan, as soon as we arrived in (hot, muggy) Tokyo, I took myself to a hair salon and ordered them to cut it all off. It was then almost waist length. They were horrified! Asked, "Are you sure?" But they did it.

For many, many years I kept it short. Then, I went long. Then short. And most recently, shoulder-length again—which anymore seems to be about as long as it will grow.

One of my favorite pictures of myself is me with short hair. I think it suits me. So that's where I am again.



Patricia Smith said...

Post a photo! I want to see!

Anne Canright said...

I look EXACTLY like I did nine years ago. But okay... I'll try to get a photo that I can stand. And post it.