Sunday, November 26, 2023

Curiosity 33: Some photos

Another occasional offering of a few photos taken on this day, many years ago. For today, November 26, it's just three, from 2007 (on the Gila River, Arizona—a climbing trip), 2009, 2010. (Click on the images to see them large.)

Woke up to FOUR bald eagles (two boys, two gals) cavorting
in the trees across the river from us. I was awe-struck
by the beauty—not just of the birds, but of the place. Look at it!
Imagine it without the eagle sitting there. Then really appreciate
the eagle sitting there....

Apple cake . . . about to be turned upside down. For our Thanksgiving
feast with Tim & Miranda, Audra, Brittany, and Danielle. Lots of
delicious food, good wine, excellent company.

Some old friends (high school/college era) are here
visiting for a post-Thanksgiving treat—and another old friend
(same vintage) swung through with his girlfriend for a couple of
hours, on their way back to LA. We all took a walk to the Frog Pond.
It was nice to be together the six of us—it'd been almost ten years
for some of us, five years for others of us. We all agreed we shouldn't
let so much time pass. (Michele said she wasn't musing so much as just
feeling happy, listening to the ducks go Mack-mack-mack.)

I know we've seen the one friend and girlfriend—now wife—many times since 2010. I'm sure we must have seen Michele and her husband, Tom, since then... But it's been a really long time. Here's a resolution for 2024: get up to San Francisco and reconnect. Darn it. 

And finally, and more sadly, I'll share a photo of a friend, Sam Gardener, who I just learned passed away on November 1. He was our guide on a photo tour of Orkney and Shetland back in 2010. A rambling fellow full of good cheer, with a great big heart. I called this shot "Sam woos the piggies." As he wooed all who knew him, I'm gathering.

Here's how my friend who sent the email about Sam's passing concluded: "Make time for those you care about, reach out to old friends and lovers, and let them know how much they mean to you—for it’s later than you think."


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