Monday, July 24, 2023

Gratitudes 8: Sunday, reading, and coffee with a friend

1. Even though I've (almost) never marched to the Monday-to-Friday drumbeat, I still enjoy Sundays, when much of the rest of the world is off work and doing whatever people do in their leisure time. The roads tend to be emptier too.

I enjoyed both movie versions
(1969 and 2010), but I'd say
the book is the best.
2. I spent much of the morning reading: True Grit by Charles Portis. I will write a book report maybe—though I'm already backlogged by two books. I just haven't felt like writing reports. Maybe I'm done? But this book is a real delight, so it might get me back into the practice. Merely to have a record. 

3. At around 1 I got a text from my friend Nina: Want to meet for coffee today? We haven't been seeing much of each other lately, for various reasons, so of course I jumped at the chance. We had a nice hour (in the I wish I could say sun) over an iced mocha (N) and a hot chai (me), catching up. Milo accepted much love from many passersby, both human and canine. The three of us felt grateful for the time together.

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