Thursday, January 12, 2023

David Zinn, sidewalk artist (68)

A FB friend today announced that his David Zinn calendar had arrived:

Intrigued, I investigated. Zinn lives in Ann Arbor, and his chalk drawings are a beloved, ever-delightful feature of the sidewalks, walls, even tree stumps of that town. According to his website, his "temporary street drawings are composed entirely of chalk, charcoal, and found objects, and are always improvised on location through a process known as 'pareidolic anamorphosis' or 'anamorphic pareidolia.'" Here are some examples, many of which feature a little green monster named Sluggo, a mouse named Nadine, and Philomena, a phlegmatic flying pig. See if you can find them. (As always, click on the images to see them large on black.)

Finally, a couple of YouTube videos, which show how the magic is wrought:


Zinn has his own YouTube channel, which reveals even more of his technique and humor. He has also published two books: Chance Encounters: Temporary Street Art and The Chalk Art Handbook: How to Create Masterpieces on Driveways and Sidewalks and in Playgrounds. I am sorely tempted. His brand of joyful exuberance is worth having around.

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