Friday, July 22, 2022

Mementos #2

These aren't all exactly mementos from my house, because no, I lost sight of that particular project immediately. But they're 7 photos (I know: I owe 14, but 7 is what you get) for installment #2. Because I do want to keep this project going. So, here:

A netsuke that my friend Mary gave me,
together with a scented candle.

The erasable pens that I use for proofreading Getty Museum catalogs.

A beautiful afternoon on the Big Sur River
with my niece Erica and her daughter, Kimberley—
and of course David and the Milo.

An afternoon walk with Tesi at Fort Ord Dunes SP.

Our neighbor's cactuses are blooming AGAIN!

Bee in ice plant.

Ravi flexing his stuff.

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