Sunday, December 6, 2020

Stephen McMillan, artist

We went to our friend Lynn's today to play some Rummikub (I lost). I've only been to her house a couple of times, and had not really  taken a good look. Today, a photograph--which turned out to be an aquatint--hanging on her wall caught my attention. It was of oak trees, maybe in fog--though she says that when it's a bright sunny day outside, the trees also seem to be bathed in light. A trick of the eye. 

The artist is Stephen McMillan. He was raised in Berkeley, studied art at UC Santa Cruz, lived many years in Petaluma, and a few years ago moved to Bellingham,Washington. His work certainly captures the western landscape. Here are a few of his prints:

Forest Walk, 2012

Marina Reflections, 2019

Winter Oaks, 2001

Red Sky, 2013

Solstice, 2015

Wild Mustard #2, 2002

Haiku, 2013

Pelicans, 2014


Today's statistics, as case numbers rise dramatically statewide, and Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley are ordered to shut down (the following numbers are for Monterey County only): 16,190 confirmed cases, 90 current hospitalizations, and 140 deaths--up, respectively, 425, 5, and 12 (12!) since Thursday, yikes. 

Stay safe. Wear a mask when you go out in public. Find beauty to soothe your soul.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love photos of trees!